
I've Been All Over, And I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For

I've been doing research all over the internet, trying to find a scientific explanation for zombies and whether or not, scientifically, it could happen. Like, could a dead guy get up and start walking around and kill and eat human flesh and could it occur at such a rapid state as to affect the whole world. I've come to the understanding that unless it is the rage virus, solanum could never happen. That makes me kind of sad.

Doing research on the decay process of the human body and the way the cells break down and the body decomposes, there would probably be no way that a person could die and then get up and start walking around without any type of functional heartbeat and/or body activity what so ever. The human body needs active blood flow in order for the limps to move, for fingers to be able to grab and for legs to lurch forward such as they could. Since, upon death, there is a cessation of all body activity, there would be no way in hell--well, unless demons took over the dead bodies--that dead people could get up and walk around and eat people. Once again, I will reinterate: that makes me sad.

Sad, you may ask. Why?

Well, I am on two different sides of the spectrum when it comes to zombies: on the one hand, they scare the hell out of me because HELLO!!!! Dead People Walking!!!! But on the other hand, it would change the face of the lant and human history forever and ever and ever. A huge disaster and catastrophe such as that would tell everyone that the bullshit (racism, classism, sexism, the other million -isms) don't have any bearing in this strange new world that we'd find ourselves in. So, yeah, a million, million ghouls would be hot on your trail, but people would pull together, help each other, want to ensure the survival of the species at least. Of course there would always be those that would care more about themselves then others, but then there'd also be those people that would feel that ancestral pull of being herd animals. Humans are herd animals. We operate and run best when we are within a group.

People would step up to the plate and take care of each other, would look after each other and make sure that the other were okay.

But, alas, unless the government decides to concoct the rage virus (which, by the way, does not create zombies as it essentially amps up the adrenaline in a person's body until they are just really, really, really angry and beat the hell out of someone, their internal organs turn to mush, they're in pain and then just run out of energy and die...rage virus does not kill the person. hence=no zombies), the world will continue as it is.

That, or Mother Nature gets pissed off and takes back her own.



Relationships, Love Life and All that Jazz

Oi, what have I done? I mean, I can now say that Astrology is good for somethings, but not good for prediction. Anyway, I'm a Libra, right? And well, okay, I do typify some of the most enduring Libra traits of charm and grace and appeal, but then other times the negative traits come out and they are annoying. I know I shouldn't do things without thinking it through, but then...I do them anyway and then perpetuate a lie because I want to be loved and not hated. Typical Libra response to anything and everything.

So, what have I done?


So, there's this guy named Anthony and before I dated my ex-boyfriend, he and numerous of his friends (and I mean, numerous...sometimes it's good to be a Libra), wanted to get with me. Some of them actually stepped up to the plate and asked me out, others of them stayed on the sidelines like the pussy-bitch-boys that they were. Anthony was one of the boys who'd take me out, but only, of course, as friends. I ultimately chose the asshole and now, he's the asshole ex. Well, trickle on down the line to now, in which Anthony is single and I am single, but I only liked him for a second. I knew well enough that it wasn't going to last for more than a few weeks this sudden infatuation (I do know myself well enough after all) and I knew when it was going to fade (it's mostly because I'm just attracted to the energies of Aries men, and that is truth because the last few dates I've been on were all...tada! Aries Men...I have GOT to get attracted to other z-signs, gawd!). Anyway, it--the infatuation--subsided a bit and I was more than ready to carry-on with my existence, but unfortunately some friends had a get-together and everyone knows what happens on get-togethers and I kissed him.


It wasn't unpleasant, but it didn't send sparks flying like I would've wanted it to. In fact, there wasn't anything except...'Oh, he has soft lips.' It should've gone more like 'OOOOOh, soft lips...yummmm!'

So, now I'm all like. SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT! What have I done? And instead of cutting him off and saying, yeah, I'd prefer to be friends...I perpetuate it because I'm scared to death that he will hate me. And his friends that I am friends with, will hate me as well. And I LIKE these people so...ngrw!! Yes, ngrw!! Because I know that at this moment I am not looking for a relationship with anyone (it might have something to do with the fact that I let this OMFG guy get away a couple months back and my psyche is making me pay for it, but w/e...see previous entry from a few months back -->). I mean, I know now that if I got into a relationship with him that I wouldn't be faithful to him because even now I'm trying to get the hook-up and date other guys and my mind will be far away from him. After all, I'm hoping to try on some Asian lovin' with the serious intent of being in a relationship. Not that Asians are the only ones that I'm open to...White guys, Asian Guys, Pacific Islanders, Indians, etc. When I was a kid I fancied myself marrying either a Japanese guy or a Maori man from New Zealand (and no, I do not have hatred for my own race, but I was a bit more open to the idea of interracial relationships than most kids in an-all-balck community....My first crush was my Korean martial arts instructor T.H. Kim..and even after a good couple of years and a smattering of grey hair, that man still looks da-yum good).

Anyway, I've screwed up and I've seen him naked and I KNOW I'm shallow and a tadbit vain...I KNOW that because this other dude liked me and I stopped liking him because he broke wind in my apartment and, while that is a natural function of the human body, it WAS MY APARTMENT AND GOD NO!!!!!! So, Anthony has warts...on his back and his knee. EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! There are ways to REMOVE THEM!!!! Ew. So, call me and asshole....I dun care. It's just...unfortunate that I'll have to take him off the market too because I don't want him at all, and you want to know how I realized this. He was talking to a female friend of his and they were leaning together pretty close and I felt nothing...Not a twinge of jealousy or anything, and usually when I like somebody I feel that. I mean, with my ex- this OOGLAY chick who I KNEW had no chance in HELL of getting with him was coming around trying to flirt with him and I felt that twinge of jealousy, so...I KNOW.



ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm Not An Idiot....REALLY!!!

I am, for lack of better words, thoroughly annoyed. I believe I made a post some time back about how difficult it is to find any DECENT men in this town. and yep...back to square one again. God...Is it hard to find decent men in this town? Men who will, pray tell, LISTEN to what you have to say. I shall quote a memeber on another site that I am a member of by saying I was raised in the 'Southern Way', which means that I am, for all intents and purposes, a Ga-muthafuckin-peach, a southern belle and that you will treat me as such! I was raised to be respectful of my elders, no matter who they are, to not talk back to those that clearly know better than me, to not cuss in polite company, to always carry myself as a lady first and foremost, to be independent in the sense that if I have no one else to help me out, then to do the hardwork myself and not whine about it, to be able to mend my own clothes, clean my own home, maintain my own money and bills, etc, etc, etc. And every woman should be raised in the 'southern way'. However, it seems that the misconception of me being a majority black female (I am Puerto Rican, White and Native American too) has suddenly become a staple to these damn men that are trying to get with me. All they see is the pretty face and NOT in fact what lies underneath. Case in point, last night aka this morning at 2 - 3 a.m., there's this guy that I am REALLY not interested in, but I'll give him the time of day because I like being admired (okay, call me shallow and I will nod my head and grin at you coyly, while you simultaneously admire my pretty smile...lol) and I like meeting new people. Gotcher! But I try to tell him, hey the quickest way to earn my interest is to talk to me about intellectual subjects. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, he's all about sex...Sex this...and look at what my tongue can do that...and I'mma take you to my house and rub hot oil on you. Ewww!

First off, I don't even know you! Hell, I can barely remember you name and that's not from me being conceited...I really have a problem remembering names, but faces I ALWAYS remember even if I haven't seen you in five years! But, anyway, I would like to be taken on a first date and get into an intellectual conversation and know where your head is at and not any bullshit about how large your dick is. Hmmm....I've felt it...and I've ridden dick much bigger than yours. But aside from that even is just the fact that I kept telling him this repeatedly and he just WOULD NOT listen! I kept telling him I want to get to know you better, spend time with you without half my clothes off and he's wanting to invite me to his place and cook me breakfast and have sex with me nad I'm just like, CAN I GET TO KNOW YOU FIRST?!!! I already told you I am not a breakfast type person. I have already told you I do not have sex unless I know you well enough. I have already told you, repeatedly, no, no, no, no, no and NO!

Is this the stock of what Atlanta has to offer the womenfolk? Really?

That's it! I'm moving to the Westcoast. Maybe the men out there actually listen to their women.


crawfordjeremy702000, you go to hell, you BATSARD!!!! :P

Okay, so I am randomly on yahoo!messenger..not even randomly on it so much as it's online and I'm cruising the internet checking my e-mails and all of a sudden this person IMs me, and I'm like...urgh...who the hell are you? But I don't say that I just say hello and and engage in a very strange conversation in which this person asks me whether or not I write fanfiction, and whether or not I write femslash. Yes to the first and no to the second one. Here I'll post the conversation...LOL!

crawfordjeremy70200 (8/5/2008 11:29:03 AM) hello
themuse02 (8/5/2008 11:29:08 AM): hello?
crawfordjeremy702000 (8/5/2008 11:29:24 AM): do you write fanfiction.
themuse02 (8/5/2008 11:29:41 AM): sometimes, yes....it's according to which fandom
crawfordjeremy702000 (8/5/2008 11:29:57 AM): have you done femslash or not.
themuse02 (8/5/2008 11:30:17 AM): nope, i usually slash....i haven't done femslash before
crawfordjeremy702000 (8/5/2008 11:30:23 AM): oh.
themuse02 (8/5/2008 11:30:31 AM): yep lol
crawfordjeremy702000 (8/5/2008 11:30:52 AM): i was hoping someone would a short nc-17 femslash but no one will.
themuse02 (8/5/2008 11:31:23 AM): for what fandom?
crawfordjeremy702000 (8/5/2008 11:32:05 AM): either the tv series buffy or smallvillle or the film fantastic four rise of the silver surfer or spider-man 3.
themuse02 (8/5/2008 11:33:24 AM): oh, well..the said thing is that i haven't watched buffy all the much (i was an angel fan), didn't watch smallville and only saw Fantastic Four once....but i think there are femslash stories for buffy and smallville
crawfordjeremy702000 (8/5/2008 11:34:46 AM): i just wanted a short fic of like sue storm with frankie ray from fantastic four rise of the silver surfer please.
themuse02 (8/5/2008 11:35:45 AM): i don't do femslash...now, if you asked me for slash..i'd direct you to a story i'm already working on, but femslash doesn't appeal to me....i already have femparts...what do i want to write about them for...lol
crawfordjeremy702000 (8/5/2008 11:36:03 AM): i am begging you.
themuse02 (8/5/2008 11:36:15 AM): no thanks...
crawfordjeremy702000 (8/5/2008 11:36:19 AM): and i am not taking no for answer.
crawfordjeremy702000 (8/5/2008 11:36:47 AM): so will you do it.
themuse02 (8/5/2008 11:37:04 AM): then i guess you'll have to because i do not, will never do in this life or the next, fem slash...thanks...i'll talk to later...bye!
crawfordjeremy702000 (8/5/2008 11:37:30 AM): YOU LYING BATSARD I HOPE YOU FUCKING GO TO HELL.
themuse02 (8/5/2008 11:37:48 AM): !adios!

Okay, how bizarre is that? I think I handled myself pretty well, don't you? It's not that I won't write it (you never know, the feeling may hit me one day in the far, far away and away far, far future to write it), but it doesn't appeal to me. As I stated: I've got femparts, what do I want to write about them for? So, yeah...this person is clearly a freak and a terrible speller at that (it's BASTARD...not BATSARD) and this person (jeremy crawford, just screams lonely, pizza-faced nerd who's an asiaphile and nasty and sweating over his computer terminal, desperately seeking the elusive free porn sites so that he can jack off to his heart's content...asshole) will clearly get NO kind of help what-so-ever in getting his little nc-17 fic if he keeps that up.

And what was he doing, STALKING MY WEBPAGE? Where the hell did he get my information?!??!


Why Don't You Go #$%$^ Yourself With A $%$^ And Leave Me The %^&%$# ALONE!!!

ARGH!!!!!! Happy August, everyone...and I'm irritated, but then again that MUST be the state of affairs that my life takes on at every single turn. I could probably elaborate, but I'm a dunce so it really wouldn't matter what I said (why do I smell frackin' CANDY!!!!!?!!!). Almost got a ticket, but was able to talk my way out of it by being cute, clueless and sweet even though I looked like crap. I think the 'verse has it out for my love life because I fall for unattainable men. Not 'unattainable' in the sense that I don't think I'm good enough for them (I mean, not to be conceited, but I think I look pretty DAMN good (HAWT even)), but 'unattainable' as in meaning they either live too far away or already taken, and I'm just like....


So, yeah...never mind...I'll just...
