
What the Fuck is Up with Straight People Sometimes?

The Original Post: ENTER THE GAY MARRIAGE BAN and the responses of Yahoo!users:

And the response that I didn't get to post cuz it was too long:

I have to admit to what some posters are saying...

Since when did marriage become a 'sacred' right in this country? The divorce rates among supposedly "straight" and "normal" people are through the roof; and I work in a Family Law Office, I should know. We've got more people tearing their families apart for the stupidest reasons, not thinking of their children, their finances or their over all state of being because of such an action. The reason Prop 8 was passed was because too many of those people were thinking with a religious frame of mind when majority of them were not truthfully religious. So many people don on the mask of believing in God when they are the least rightous of all, and then have the nerve to judge a minority of people that--if you think about it in Biblical terms--are doing the LEAST of the sins (whatever happened to getting these damned murderers off the streets, huh? These individuals care less about life and more about ending it, then homosexuals do).The supposed "sin" that they are doing is NOT an automatic death sentence to Hell, and can and WILL be forgiven, if it is in fact a sin at all.

We also have to realize that the US of A, recognizes that there is a seperation of Church and State, and that the people are biased, that is why there exists a checks and balances system. Instead of people complaining that homosexuals were given the right to marry, they should've just moved on with their lives when the Supreme Court deemed it a right for these people to have. And really, what hurt is it doing to anyone? These people are not thrusting their lifestyle upon you. You bring their lifestyle into the limelight by bickering about it and dissecting it. Move on! There are more important things in this country to worry about instead of whether or not these people want to say 'I do' and 'I do'. What are we straights so afraid of? Afraid that the gays will be better at marriage than us? Afraid that they'll raise their children better than us?

I'd say with how graceful the homosexual rights' movement has been these last few decades, it's a wonder that we straights aren't modeling our sense of morals and ethics after these people. You don't see them telling straights how to live their lives, raise their children, spend their taxes. But you mostly see the straights doing that.


Both Sides Now...I've begun a love affair with Joni Mitchell and it's going to last a lifetime

Anyway, I'm mad and then I'm flabbergasted. Mad because of last night and at my boyfriend, and then flabbergasted at Michael Vick.

Okay, so the boyfriend pissed me off because of his just...ARGH!!!!!! Wishy-washy ways when it comes to making a damn decision. I mean...okay, I don't feel like rehashing it. I'm just irritated.

Michael Vick on the other hand, and just celebrities in general who think that just because they are suddenly top shit that they think nothing can or will touch them. Oh how the mighty have fallen. I always wanted to know why, when people get wealthy, they suddenly think that they can get away with things, do things and that the money is just going to keep coming. You have to be responsible with your spending but these people never seem to remember that; unless, of course, you come from old money, but even then...the children born to old money are acting the fool nowadays anyway so what's the fucking point?

Listen to Joni Mitchell and shut the fuck up, bitches.


Fucking Politcal Correctness...I WANT CANDY

You know what I hate the most about he politically correct system that seems to permeate the world nowadays? Just the sheer niceness and false saccharine feelings that people have to express so as to tip toe and not hurt someone else's feelings. Ys, this is a fucking rant about astrology. You know, I can respect those muthafuckahs that talk about shit that's not politically correct because at least those people are being honest about what they feel, you know? None of this pansy-ass catering to another person's feelings. We're all walking on egg-shells around each other.

So, I'm trying to understand what a Libra Sun-Carpicorn Moon means in my personality and instead of it just telling me the good, the bad and the neutral, all I encounter is flowery-PC bullshit about how I can wield my place of authority like some Arthurian leader and 'manuever people into doing as I think they should." And then it has the nerve to say that that's not a bad thing.

Isn't that just a nice way of saying that I am a manipulative, power-and-control freak bitch? I mean, seriously! When did this shit become so hard to just tell people the truth and not give a shit about trying to spare their damned feelings about the matters at hand. I want to know what my emotions are like when I am a Cap-Moon, not the fucking PC descriptions so as to not hurt my feelings. I'm getting hurt more because I'm confused as hell about how I feel and how to balance it all, and no one will tell me what the FUCK it means!