

Okay, so I've actually started on and completed the organization strategy one as I am going to call it and I think my boyfriend thinks I am insane because I bitched out my book last night, although he's a sweetie pie and made up for it with some awesome snugglage after I was finished. Anyway, I bummed off from the early hours of work to do this so I'm going to go in at five and just contact clients before the work day ends to get their sides of the story for whatever this and that so that I can at least attempt to earn my paycheck. Not that I don't attempt to earn it either way I've just got to buckle down so that I can pay my rent by then end of the month and my ever wonderful bills too.

So, I've got the prologue, chapters 1 - 20 and the epilogue planned out and am trying to determine whether or not if I should write them on my computer or write them in a notebook. My brain shouts both, but my brain is currently turning to mush so I can't be too sure. I hope my boss wrote my paycheck out. I'll be insanely irritated if she hasn't.

Anyway, I'm off to the writing of the book. Aw, wait no..It's almost five o'clock...let me go make a twenty minute drive to work. Laters!

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