
My Brain Feels Like Mush....

Okay, there's this author I love, love, love to absolute pieces, but can I just say there is a thin line between love and hate? I mean, she is PHENOMENAL in that kind of oh-my-god you could win all the Pulitzer Prizes in the known galaxy and I was sooooooooooo totally be happy for you, but then there's little voice inside that wails and screams and stomps its little foot and says: DAMN YOU, WOMAN!! DAMN YOU AND YOUR MUSES!!! DAMN YOU AND YOUR WITTY LINES AND WITTY COMEBACKS AND YOUR SIMPLY FLAWLESS POPULARITY!!! DAMN YOUR BOOK DEAL!!!"

It's just jealousy really.

I love her books and her ideas, I just hate that I can't seem to stick with one idea and then make it work. Take for example this one story I've got, I've revamped it at least three times already because the first two story lines were just too big and too confusing and were opening a lot of doors to plot holes that my brain was screaming at me: please don't make me fill them. I'm irritated and annoyed, and am hoping that I can finally implement ORGANIZATION-STRATEGY-ONE, in which I finally draft an outline after much procrastination and just piteous shouts of 'I dun wanna!'

I want to be famous like her one day, or maybe just more famous so I can good-naturedly rub it in her face and say, YARG!!! The apprentice has now become the master! And then do some respectful bow before whipping out pens that have lightsabers at the ends of them and do some huge, epic battle that could rival that of Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader.

I don't know.

I'm going to go back to hating my book now.

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