
Both Sides Now...I've begun a love affair with Joni Mitchell and it's going to last a lifetime

Anyway, I'm mad and then I'm flabbergasted. Mad because of last night and at my boyfriend, and then flabbergasted at Michael Vick.

Okay, so the boyfriend pissed me off because of his just...ARGH!!!!!! Wishy-washy ways when it comes to making a damn decision. I mean...okay, I don't feel like rehashing it. I'm just irritated.

Michael Vick on the other hand, and just celebrities in general who think that just because they are suddenly top shit that they think nothing can or will touch them. Oh how the mighty have fallen. I always wanted to know why, when people get wealthy, they suddenly think that they can get away with things, do things and that the money is just going to keep coming. You have to be responsible with your spending but these people never seem to remember that; unless, of course, you come from old money, but even then...the children born to old money are acting the fool nowadays anyway so what's the fucking point?

Listen to Joni Mitchell and shut the fuck up, bitches.

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