
Fucking Politcal Correctness...I WANT CANDY

You know what I hate the most about he politically correct system that seems to permeate the world nowadays? Just the sheer niceness and false saccharine feelings that people have to express so as to tip toe and not hurt someone else's feelings. Ys, this is a fucking rant about astrology. You know, I can respect those muthafuckahs that talk about shit that's not politically correct because at least those people are being honest about what they feel, you know? None of this pansy-ass catering to another person's feelings. We're all walking on egg-shells around each other.

So, I'm trying to understand what a Libra Sun-Carpicorn Moon means in my personality and instead of it just telling me the good, the bad and the neutral, all I encounter is flowery-PC bullshit about how I can wield my place of authority like some Arthurian leader and 'manuever people into doing as I think they should." And then it has the nerve to say that that's not a bad thing.

Isn't that just a nice way of saying that I am a manipulative, power-and-control freak bitch? I mean, seriously! When did this shit become so hard to just tell people the truth and not give a shit about trying to spare their damned feelings about the matters at hand. I want to know what my emotions are like when I am a Cap-Moon, not the fucking PC descriptions so as to not hurt my feelings. I'm getting hurt more because I'm confused as hell about how I feel and how to balance it all, and no one will tell me what the FUCK it means!

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