
Back-dated Entry: Happy New Years! Now, let's get down to business...

I really don't understand this article...I'm sorry documentary. In all, it's bullcrap, and here's why:

Basically, the doc is called 'Black Women Walking', or something like that, and it details the experiences that at least four or five black women (and one white woman; let's not leave her out) have in reference to black men catcalling and 'hollering' at them, and just the way black males flirt with their female counterparts in general. I will cite the validaties of the documentary short as well as the inaccuracies, and also comment on some of the comments that were made in reference to the article. You can find the link to that doc here.

Now, I get it. As a black female who's dated outside and inside her race, there are BIG differences between the way black males flirt and the way people of other races flirt. Now, I won't say that ALL black males do it because I have definately encountered black males, of ALL walks of life, that have approached me and did the respectful, "Hey, miss, what's your name? My name is such-and-such and I just wanted to let you know that I thought you looked very pretty and wanted to know if I could get to know you?" I can also say without a doubt that I've been the aggressor, at times, flirting shamelessly because...well...let's face it: when I'm at my personal best, I am a bit of a flirt...

There. I said it.

However, in listening to this documentary and reading some of the responses, both the mature and immature ones, I will say this one thing: black males DO have the market cornered on the way they can be very disrespectful in flirtation. I have experienced it, but then again, my scope of the human condition is very limited. I can only go by what has happened in my own personal life and not what has happened in others. I will say this: it is according to what type of group you aspire to hang with and where in any given city you chill. If you chill in areas where the thuggish types are in high abundance, you typically get the asshats that don't understand the concept of how to approach a woman. However, if you're in a moderately to highly educated area (I say the suburbs, and I mean the clean suburbs, not those places where the mini-thugs chill), you'll find young men willing to approach like how you wish to be approached. Not only that, but it also matters with how you carry yourself: if you carry yourself like a hoe and where a hoe's uniform, well...

Now, there are ALWAYS exceptions to the rules: such as quietly riding the public transit bus or train, minding your own business and a brotha dressed in a business suit has the thuggish attitude, where he thinks he can get what he wants merely because he's getting paid or you could encounter the one that looks like a thug, but has the swagga of a college kid and has a good head on his shoulders.

Anyway, let's dissect the first half of the issue: the disrespect that is paid to black women. Now, as a black woman, my opinion is biased. I do not grow up with a man's outlook in this world. I can only do me. So, in my opinion, and from my experiences, black men are more overt with their disrespect. They can say the most ignorant things, expect you to respond and then get pissed off if they don't get the response that they want. They try all types of ways to get your attention, some of which are just down right rude and dangerous. The strategy of driving up right next to a woman and honking their horns and catcalling out their windows: dis-re-spect-ful, and dangerous in the sense that if the woman feels threatened, you're being brought up on charges of sexual harrasment. Seriously, do something with yourselves.

Now, men of other races can be just as disrespectful, I have been told. I've never experienced this. I've mostly encountered men of other races who are much more respectful. With my ex, he didn't even start getting sexual with me unti I said it was okay. Other than that, our conversations were surprisingly G-rated. Even the other few sexual encounters I've had...not disrespectful. Nothing turned sexual until I said so. HOWEVER, in contrast to that and the feeling that white guys are most respectful: they have a tendency of being subtle with their disrespect, being a bit demeaning in their own way so that you know EXACTLY what they think of you. Like I've said before: this is not the case with all of them, as some whitey-hatin-neo-black-panthers would have you believe. They are not all white devils that these people paint them to be; some of them are quite nice. We've got to get out of that slave mentality in general: stop thinking of white people as devils (it gives them a power that they don't have) and stop thinking of them as gods that walk the Earth. Either way, they are just people and while their ancestors did horrible things, it's not like Africans too didn't rape, pillage, kill, murder, cheat, lie and disenfranchise their own kind too.

I think I explained my second point to this documentary in the above paragraph so...huh...nothing much left. Well, flirtation styles are different. Like I said, black men are overt, but--in my opinion--other races are not so overt. Usually, people that I've dated got to know me first and then whatever happened and proceeded. Usually, more than one person too. But, I've usually started out getting to know a person.

Except in this current relationship. All that kind of...flew out the window...LMAO!!!

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