
When One Domino Falls, They All Come Tumbling Down...

Okay, so I meant to post yesterday, but I have STUFF to do and I don't actually get the chance. However, as the sun has not risen, I shall consider this still yesterday even though the clock is going to read today. So, the real concern for today is: I don't really like this guy named Greg--I won't say loathe or anything--it's more like, you're a cool cat, but there's this other guy and he's...something, and you're just the safety rope I grabbed onto when I didn't think I could have this other guy. I mean, do I truly deserve what I want? I don't know.

And then Greg wants to sleep with me while simultaneously telling me that 'Sure, we'll get to know each other.'

How to tell him: I want to know about a person before I do that, even if all it will be is just friendship or benefits or something. I can hold off on the sex department even if I haven't had it in years. To me, the carnal act is a lot less appealing than the actual getting to know you process. It'a just something about knowing all of someone else's secrets, with their soul laid bare to me, that makes me feel all the more like a physical connection is unnecessary. What do I need your body for when I have your soul?

And then...

There's the other guy and I just...don't know.

It's not like I've ever spoken to him. Every time he comes around I clam up like a dummy and can't speak for fear of sounding stupid. I swear if I did a sellf-diagnosis it's probably because I'm scared over my ex and my relationship with him because that was my first real relationship and I had felt that instant jolt of attraction for him too and then...well, he left me for his best friend. That bitch...


And then this other chick snagged him before I could build up the courage and I've learned my lesson: DO NOT...under any circumstances...PLAY WITH SOMEONE ELSE'S TOYS!

And so, he is her's, unless...well, FATE is kind. Then again: I'll just let Fate do what it does and let the chips fall wherever they may...

*nudges Fate meaningfully*


About Greg...


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