
ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm Not An Idiot....REALLY!!!

I am, for lack of better words, thoroughly annoyed. I believe I made a post some time back about how difficult it is to find any DECENT men in this town. and yep...back to square one again. God...Is it hard to find decent men in this town? Men who will, pray tell, LISTEN to what you have to say. I shall quote a memeber on another site that I am a member of by saying I was raised in the 'Southern Way', which means that I am, for all intents and purposes, a Ga-muthafuckin-peach, a southern belle and that you will treat me as such! I was raised to be respectful of my elders, no matter who they are, to not talk back to those that clearly know better than me, to not cuss in polite company, to always carry myself as a lady first and foremost, to be independent in the sense that if I have no one else to help me out, then to do the hardwork myself and not whine about it, to be able to mend my own clothes, clean my own home, maintain my own money and bills, etc, etc, etc. And every woman should be raised in the 'southern way'. However, it seems that the misconception of me being a majority black female (I am Puerto Rican, White and Native American too) has suddenly become a staple to these damn men that are trying to get with me. All they see is the pretty face and NOT in fact what lies underneath. Case in point, last night aka this morning at 2 - 3 a.m., there's this guy that I am REALLY not interested in, but I'll give him the time of day because I like being admired (okay, call me shallow and I will nod my head and grin at you coyly, while you simultaneously admire my pretty smile...lol) and I like meeting new people. Gotcher! But I try to tell him, hey the quickest way to earn my interest is to talk to me about intellectual subjects. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, he's all about sex...Sex this...and look at what my tongue can do that...and I'mma take you to my house and rub hot oil on you. Ewww!

First off, I don't even know you! Hell, I can barely remember you name and that's not from me being conceited...I really have a problem remembering names, but faces I ALWAYS remember even if I haven't seen you in five years! But, anyway, I would like to be taken on a first date and get into an intellectual conversation and know where your head is at and not any bullshit about how large your dick is. Hmmm....I've felt it...and I've ridden dick much bigger than yours. But aside from that even is just the fact that I kept telling him this repeatedly and he just WOULD NOT listen! I kept telling him I want to get to know you better, spend time with you without half my clothes off and he's wanting to invite me to his place and cook me breakfast and have sex with me nad I'm just like, CAN I GET TO KNOW YOU FIRST?!!! I already told you I am not a breakfast type person. I have already told you I do not have sex unless I know you well enough. I have already told you, repeatedly, no, no, no, no, no and NO!

Is this the stock of what Atlanta has to offer the womenfolk? Really?

That's it! I'm moving to the Westcoast. Maybe the men out there actually listen to their women.

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