
crawfordjeremy702000, you go to hell, you BATSARD!!!! :P

Okay, so I am randomly on yahoo!messenger..not even randomly on it so much as it's online and I'm cruising the internet checking my e-mails and all of a sudden this person IMs me, and I'm like...urgh...who the hell are you? But I don't say that I just say hello and and engage in a very strange conversation in which this person asks me whether or not I write fanfiction, and whether or not I write femslash. Yes to the first and no to the second one. Here I'll post the conversation...LOL!

crawfordjeremy70200 (8/5/2008 11:29:03 AM) hello
themuse02 (8/5/2008 11:29:08 AM): hello?
crawfordjeremy702000 (8/5/2008 11:29:24 AM): do you write fanfiction.
themuse02 (8/5/2008 11:29:41 AM): sometimes, yes....it's according to which fandom
crawfordjeremy702000 (8/5/2008 11:29:57 AM): have you done femslash or not.
themuse02 (8/5/2008 11:30:17 AM): nope, i usually slash....i haven't done femslash before
crawfordjeremy702000 (8/5/2008 11:30:23 AM): oh.
themuse02 (8/5/2008 11:30:31 AM): yep lol
crawfordjeremy702000 (8/5/2008 11:30:52 AM): i was hoping someone would a short nc-17 femslash but no one will.
themuse02 (8/5/2008 11:31:23 AM): for what fandom?
crawfordjeremy702000 (8/5/2008 11:32:05 AM): either the tv series buffy or smallvillle or the film fantastic four rise of the silver surfer or spider-man 3.
themuse02 (8/5/2008 11:33:24 AM): oh, well..the said thing is that i haven't watched buffy all the much (i was an angel fan), didn't watch smallville and only saw Fantastic Four once....but i think there are femslash stories for buffy and smallville
crawfordjeremy702000 (8/5/2008 11:34:46 AM): i just wanted a short fic of like sue storm with frankie ray from fantastic four rise of the silver surfer please.
themuse02 (8/5/2008 11:35:45 AM): i don't do femslash...now, if you asked me for slash..i'd direct you to a story i'm already working on, but femslash doesn't appeal to me....i already have femparts...what do i want to write about them for...lol
crawfordjeremy702000 (8/5/2008 11:36:03 AM): i am begging you.
themuse02 (8/5/2008 11:36:15 AM): no thanks...
crawfordjeremy702000 (8/5/2008 11:36:19 AM): and i am not taking no for answer.
crawfordjeremy702000 (8/5/2008 11:36:47 AM): so will you do it.
themuse02 (8/5/2008 11:37:04 AM): then i guess you'll have to because i do not, will never do in this life or the next, fem slash...thanks...i'll talk to later...bye!
crawfordjeremy702000 (8/5/2008 11:37:30 AM): YOU LYING BATSARD I HOPE YOU FUCKING GO TO HELL.
themuse02 (8/5/2008 11:37:48 AM): !adios!

Okay, how bizarre is that? I think I handled myself pretty well, don't you? It's not that I won't write it (you never know, the feeling may hit me one day in the far, far away and away far, far future to write it), but it doesn't appeal to me. As I stated: I've got femparts, what do I want to write about them for? So, yeah...this person is clearly a freak and a terrible speller at that (it's BASTARD...not BATSARD) and this person (jeremy crawford, just screams lonely, pizza-faced nerd who's an asiaphile and nasty and sweating over his computer terminal, desperately seeking the elusive free porn sites so that he can jack off to his heart's content...asshole) will clearly get NO kind of help what-so-ever in getting his little nc-17 fic if he keeps that up.

And what was he doing, STALKING MY WEBPAGE? Where the hell did he get my information?!??!


love lust life said...

He totally just imed me too LOL so weird... I am a slash writer too, all harry potter.

Stalked my life, much?

love lust life said...

By the way check out... you aren't alone!!! http://community.livejournal.com/jeremycrawford/

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, he did that to me this morning... only he called me a "jerk" instead of telling me to go to hell. How weird is that dude...?