
I've Been All Over, And I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For

I've been doing research all over the internet, trying to find a scientific explanation for zombies and whether or not, scientifically, it could happen. Like, could a dead guy get up and start walking around and kill and eat human flesh and could it occur at such a rapid state as to affect the whole world. I've come to the understanding that unless it is the rage virus, solanum could never happen. That makes me kind of sad.

Doing research on the decay process of the human body and the way the cells break down and the body decomposes, there would probably be no way that a person could die and then get up and start walking around without any type of functional heartbeat and/or body activity what so ever. The human body needs active blood flow in order for the limps to move, for fingers to be able to grab and for legs to lurch forward such as they could. Since, upon death, there is a cessation of all body activity, there would be no way in hell--well, unless demons took over the dead bodies--that dead people could get up and walk around and eat people. Once again, I will reinterate: that makes me sad.

Sad, you may ask. Why?

Well, I am on two different sides of the spectrum when it comes to zombies: on the one hand, they scare the hell out of me because HELLO!!!! Dead People Walking!!!! But on the other hand, it would change the face of the lant and human history forever and ever and ever. A huge disaster and catastrophe such as that would tell everyone that the bullshit (racism, classism, sexism, the other million -isms) don't have any bearing in this strange new world that we'd find ourselves in. So, yeah, a million, million ghouls would be hot on your trail, but people would pull together, help each other, want to ensure the survival of the species at least. Of course there would always be those that would care more about themselves then others, but then there'd also be those people that would feel that ancestral pull of being herd animals. Humans are herd animals. We operate and run best when we are within a group.

People would step up to the plate and take care of each other, would look after each other and make sure that the other were okay.

But, alas, unless the government decides to concoct the rage virus (which, by the way, does not create zombies as it essentially amps up the adrenaline in a person's body until they are just really, really, really angry and beat the hell out of someone, their internal organs turn to mush, they're in pain and then just run out of energy and die...rage virus does not kill the person. hence=no zombies), the world will continue as it is.

That, or Mother Nature gets pissed off and takes back her own.


1 comment:

Leon Ravenius said...

wow...cant say anything else