
Now, Who Wants Lemonade?

How hard is it to actually find a decent guy in this town? I mean, this is Atlanta for crying out loud. An international city that's on the rise in globalization and the international market...supposedly anyway. I've lived here all my life and I'm disappointed completely. Well, okay...maybe I'm not trying hard enough...or being a bit too hard on other people. LOL! I've been known to do that on occassion and maybe I shouldn't be such a 'saint'. Where did that come from by the way? I mean, I don't remember being a saint or saint-like...far from it actually, but I think I'm losing my point.

Ah yes, Atlanta...lack of guys...Okay, there's not a lack...just of decent ones, or ones that can tell you what they feel and not beat around the bush, or think that acting like an ass will make them somehow more desirable or be in a relationship with someone else who is clearly a bitch. But then again...

*sigh* I'm just me and I probably sound like an idiotic youngerster, which could very well be the case. When I talk to people I sound and act more mature than I am, but I feel like when I write I really show my age.

I need to stick with a book idea, and get started and finish.

I hate indecision.


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