
Can I Just Say This One Thing?

Okay, can I just say something and not be called a racist or a reverse-racist or whatever the phrase is nowadays? I just have to ask: why the hell are all the 'reputable' psychics on television always white. Like, I'm watching this show right now where their interviewing and meeting psychic kids who 'claim' they can 'see' and 'feel' things and not a one of these damn kids are Indian or Native American or Asian or anything like that. They are all the typical, middle-class white kid angsting over the same old-same same-old emo subjects. And it's irritating. What about the lower class black child or the middle or upper class black child or the upper, middle or lower class Asian or anyone else? WHY IS IT THAT IT'S ALWAYS WHITE PEOPLE? And, like
I said, I'm not trying to bash, but it's insanely irritating.

I mean, hell! I don't see myself on television and I've seen and heard and done loads of paranormal things. Hell, my mother is particularly gifted herself. Tell her any dream, no matter how weird it is and she can interpret it. She knows things before they happen and even the most intimate details about people before she even shakes their hand. I don't see her on television doing her thing. Why is it that the media always has to overblow white people's accomplishments over the accomplishments of other races?

I was reading this article years ago in Ebony magazine about how these two sisters, barely out of high school, had applied for and had been accepted into one the most competitive and well known colleges in the world; both were 14 and 15 respectively. They were young!!! But instead of their accomplishment being shown world wide or even nationally, they were ignored and some white kid was shown being accepted into college and all that bull, and I was like, but what about these two girls?

HELL, I didn't even know there was a black astrophysicist until a couple of years ago and that blew me away! Why hadn't I ever heard of this guy and his accomplishments? His intelligence rivals that of Stephen Hawkins, but you never see this guy on television except maybe a few times and or a few minutes each on some space documentary.

People of every race need heroes, even if it's of the strange kind and need to stop having to feel some kind of self-hatred because we are bombarded each day of our lives with images, however subtle they may be, of how GREAT and WONDERFUL white people are. Honestly, it's frustrating!

1 comment:

Leon Ravenius said...

"hey are all the typical, middle-class white kid angsting over the same old-same same-old emo subjects" LMAO wonderfully put