
Damn my need for to be a peacemaker....

I'm drunk. Or, something like it...And I don' think this is a proper post to have for a person that might become a new writer or witll want to become a nerw writer to have because people then will have to read this and know that their tfavortie writer is a drunk person who writes when thyer drunk. But I'm not drunk.

Okay, I must admit that I want that guy at the Checkered PArrot, and I will say that I don't think I'll get him even if I really want to get him because I don't think I will because he is probably not going to like me at all. And the stupid thing is that I was suposed to give up on Greg tonight nbut ' I don'nt say anything to him and just flirted even thoughjt I wnated to tell him that I don'r like him but then he said somethine about kidnapping and I was like: Well, shit....

I don't know ahjt to do about him. And I just wansted to callt that other guy all night to night and just talk to him and say, "HI!"

I don't know.

I'm obssessed I think =but only beause I have a Venus in Soprio and that means that I am intenste in love , but I don't tihnk thay anyone will br as in-love with in love as I am or in-love with a person like I will or do.

I want that guy.

What do i do?


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