
Johnny/Surfer slash, PG-13

Title: Don't Look Down (1/1?)
Author: Dragonfly Queen
Disclaimer: If I owned Fantastic Four, it might go a little something like this...But alas....
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Johnny Storm/Silver Surfer
Warnings: Slash
Summary: He's falling and he doesn't know if he can stop.




Hand clasped around his neck. Squeeze, but not so much. Not enough for him to not be able to drag in desperate gasps of air. Flames burning around him. Warmth from the inside, burning him without.

Silver skin. Silver eyes.

Boring into him. Boring into his soul.

Flying higher and higher into the atmosphere. He doesn't dare look down.

"Can we talk?"

No answer. No response. Just air whooshing passed him, faster than life or light. Sun cresting the earth's rim. Stars shining in the darkness of space.

Cold radiating from liquid, metal skin. Quenching his fire.


"okay..." He goes limp. That silver hand spasms around his throat, squeezes minutely. He feels a whisper of power rush through him. Small, not enough to change the fact that his fires have gone out, that the vast chill of Earth's upper atmosphere has seeped through his uniform down to his very bones. "You win."

He's falling and he doesn't know if he can stop.


Norrin Radd watches, gaze betraying none of the emotions roiling underneath, as the inhabitant of this tiny green-blue world falls back to the welcoming embrace of his mother planet.

The air is colder up here.

He can see the sun of this world as it crests the rim of the planet. He can see the stars.

He breathes.

Feels a longing in his blood, in his bones, down to his very core.

It has been a long time since he has felt this. A stirring in the pit of his stomach. Emotions whirring to the fore front of his mind, clamboring to heard above the other.

It only took a split second. Mere seconds to grab the firestarter, to disrupt his powers.

To make a connection with the power cosmic that existed within the firestarter's body, sang within his blood. He saw...inside. Deep inside, to the heart of the impetuous flame, where it danced and laughed with joy for the burning.

It warmed the chill of space within him, the cold of stars that had been a constant companion since he left behind his world. Since he left behind Shalla-Bal. Since he left behind Norrin Radd and wearily travelled the deep.

And it gave him pause. Mere seconds. Mere moments and the weariness gathered within him, threatened to overtake. Threatened to undue him.

Norrin Radd breathed. In and out. In and out.

He doesn't dare look down, doesn't look to see if the firestarter has lived or died. He doesn't dare. He turns his board towards the blackness of space. Kneels.

"My lord, your Herald summons you."

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