
Well I Believe The World Is Burning To The Ground

Despite the wonderful weather, I feel positively dreadful. Although, I think the time of year that I most prefer is the beginning of Spring (just at that transition from winter to the Re-birth) and Fall, just when Summer is starting to die and Old Age is setting in. Either way, I usually feel good when the sun is out, but it's insanely muggy and it makes me sluggish.

I visited the Grandparents today.

Didn't have much to say.

They didn't either, and ants were crawling all over their nice pretty flowers. Or, rather, Granny's flowers; people always seem to forget that Charlie Barnes is lying right next to her. Either way, it doesn't matter. I don't even know if they're still in there or already doing their own thing in their next life. Whatever.

I wanted to get drunk last night, but as I am ALWAYS the designated driver, that just wasn't happening. At all. And I think my old high school pal, Mykal, thinks I have problems...which I do...but he thinks I have some dysfunction where I have to drink to solve them. Alas, if only that were the case. If I am disturbed by my problems before I drink, then they are ten times worse after the consumption of alcohol. I do not profess to wanting to be a blubbering idiot. No thank you.

Project Snag-a-man went up in flames last night.

The Checkered Parrot sucks for its inability to not let personal vendettas interfere with business. Ah well, the American P - I mean - Club Cocktail is open for business and it's okay, with its usually crowd. Whatever. Rules on the dancefloor: apparently, guys can not ass shake for girls, but girls can ass shake all they want. Sexist much? Whatever.

Apparently, the people that I hang with at AiA do not like my friend, Ashley. Didn't energies, I suppose. Their type of fun is not their type of fun.

I have being in-between.

I hate existence right now. Excuse me while I go blow its brainz out.

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